Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Day 11: Portomarin to Palas de Rei

A slow day, but not as slow as the WiFi at this pension. This will be a short blog.

Fighting leg soreness, we took our last, long hike slowly. Even Alltrails didn't cooperate today. We hiked 16 relatively flat miles through now familiar landscape in about 6 hours of moving time. The new feature today was fog, but that was fun, too. The Camino is so crowded now that one simply follows the leading backpack, or ghostly silhouette of a hiker. No map needed. Spanish twilight zone until the fog clears.

Chillin' on the Camino

We went from a town that is picturesque and revitalizing to one that is treading water, but human kindness prevails. We had ported our backpacks again and found them already in our rooms upon arrival. Can't find a laundromat, so we'll catch up with the housework tommorow, a nice little break.

We are all eager to finish this trek, but with sadness. We used to say, "see you on the Camino," to people with whom we share this experience. Now, closer to the finish, we're not so sure we'll meet again. The Spirit of the Camino is a lot like Christmas spirit is supposed to be. It's being part of something bigger than youself.

Did I say this blog would be short?

Our friends advise us that this is the place to find excellent rabbit, conejo. Soon, we'll head out to go wabbit hunting.

P.S. We struck out again. Canejo is not available now. Maybe next time.