Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Day 4: Foncebadón to Ponferrada

Today was a bruiser: 17 miles. Over 6 of those miles we descended 3900 feet of rocky terrain. I wish I could have enjoyed the refreshing scenery more, but I was focused on protecting my ankles. Each day presents it's own challenges.

Achy feet aside, we acheived the highest altitude on the Camino Frances at the Iron Cross, where we each left a stone brought from home, per tradition. According to Wikipedia, that symbolises the port left behind.

We also sauntered through Molinaseca, another impressively preserved village...a little larger than a village. It must have been very wealthy in medieval times.

We arrived at Ponferrada, a fairly large city. The city castle still has a moat and drawbridge. Exploring this will have to wait, however. Tonight we're just going to grab a beer and some local tastes.