Monday, September 24, 2018

Day 9: Triacastela to Sarria

So... Our day began with a choice, right or left.

Looks like someone really wants us to go right. We went left.

More distance to Sarria but a beautiful, shaded route following a river. We discovered a majestic monestery in Samos.

Good place to get our pilgrimage passports stamped, we thought. These stamps prove we have walked at least 100km to the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.
Guess which stamp came from the monestery.

Good thing we still have a few pages because we still have 74 miles to go.

So here we are in Sarria. Haven't checked it out, yet. Our schedule when we arrive in a town is:
1. Find the hotel/hostel/pension/albergue
4. Laundry/blog time (Lavenderias often have fast WiFi)
5. Rest/hide from the afternoon heat
6. Explore and eat a light dinner when everything reopens around 8pm. This is the best time of day because we keep bumping into other Caminers. Such open friendliness among people from everywhere in the world is what makes this journey special.

P.S. Our new favorite post-hike refreshment: Cerveza con Limón. Cheers!