Sunday, September 16, 2018

Day 1! León to San Martin del Camino

Success! The miles look about right, but it was pretty flat. Not too sure about that elevation calculation.

At first the route was elegantly marked... 

 Then there was the Battle of the Caminos...

Then there were no signs whatsoever. But we knew that as long as we followed the highway, we were going in the right direction.
Finally, we arrived... somewhere in Spain...where there is a nice hostel, Albergue Santa Ana. We're tired, but up for more tomorrow.

This albergue, like most, have dorm-like rooms and private rooms. Showers are shared. Hopefully, we can find private rooms as we go. Dinner was served family style. We met a few fellow pilgrims. I'm looking forward to crossing paths a few times in the coming weeks.